All of you have heard me share re: the 'Vision for Peace, calmer weather, and widespread healing' I truly feel in my I have been given.
Much has been maturing since Sept. 12th 2001, when:
Linda's Formula for World Peace
At 4am on the morning of September 12th, 2001, after seeing on TV (the day before) the second plane come around the back of and explode into the World Trade Center building, Linda created a new piece of art in a 30" by 40" frame. Later on the 12th, Linda asked permission to remove several photographs and a 20" by 24" piece of art with Writing that were on exhibit in a long hallway leading from the parking lot into the Cape Cod 5 Bank in Orleans, MA and replace them with this 'new' piece of art with Writing.
The new piece of art shared two thoughts:
One is a question Linda wrote … to begin a Provincetown Poetry Festival 'master class' Writing exercise: ……….v……v……v….. 'Has thE time arrived when Humanity is able to digest the phenomenal REALity of just how simple it could be to shift the Earth's vibration?'
The other shares about the French philosopher Teilhard de Chardin who created the word 'noosphere' to describe the layer of thought that hovers above nature and acts as a universal consciousness . . . a 'thinking envelope' that our thoughts go up to and then are reflected back. … Linda's philosophy is that if Humanity . . . consciously … with intention, either individually or collectively, could quiet our thinking Mind(s) for just a few minutes daily … what would be reflected back would be moRe peaceful, moRe calm, moRe loving.
Included in this piece of art: Incrementally I believe this is a 'Formula for Global PEACE' … and a way (perhaps THE WAY) to calm our Earth's weather patterns.