The Commons seeks proposals for outdoor sculpture for the grounds of its facility at 46 Bradford Street. Selected artworks will be on view for up to eighteen months. Site-specific, temporary installations will also be considered on a seasonal basis.
The intention of this initiative is to provide a public venue for contemporary sculpture in Provincetown, MA. Preference will be given to work that’s created by residents of the Outer Cape, but we’re open to proposals by artists with a seasonal relationship to Provincetown as well. Both prefabricated works and site-specific works intended to be constructed on-site are encouraged.

All artists, minimum age 18 years, are welcome to apply. A second program for young artists will be announced separately.
Proposal Guidelines
Proposals can be for existing or new work. Each artist may submit up to three proposals. However, only one proposal from an artist can be accepted. Each proposal must include a project description outlining dimensions, weight, title, medium, date of completion, a statement of conceptual intent, and the preferred dates of installation. Each proposal should include up to 3 images of a completed work or concept sketches/models of a new work to be constructed. The Commons reserves the right to refuse any delivered work that is not completed as proposed.
All proposals should include a cover letter outlining the artist’s contact information (name, address, email, phone). Please include an artist statement. Additional support materials are not required but may be requested at a later date.
Each proposal must include statements regarding how the sculpture will be secured, the durability of the sculpture, and how it will not negatively impact public egress or safety.
Submission Guidelines
Textual information should be in PDF format and images should be formatted as high quality jpegs. Please also include an image index text. All application materials should be submitted via email as one zipped folder to create@commonsptown.org. Total folder size should not exceed 20MB.
Design Considerations
The site of installation is a highly trafficked, street-facing courtyard at 46 Bradford Street in Provincetown, MA. It is totally open to the elements and can be prone to harsh weather conditions including high winds. When necessary, sculptures can be sited on concrete pads.
Note: For the duration of exhibition (excluding travel to and from our site), all works will be insured and indemnified by Provincetown Commons. Also, installation sites will have no access to electricity, independent lighting, etc.
Selection Criteria
Submittal of all required application materials as outlined in the RFP
Attention to context: architectural, historical, geographical, and cultural
Originality: creativity and uniqueness of proposed artwork concept for this project
Maintainability: structural and surface soundness, durability and
resistance to vandalism, weathering, excessive maintenance, repair costs
Appropriateness for placement on a street-facing, park-like site
Feasibility: artist's proven track record/ability to complete the
work on time and within the budget.
Selection Committee
The selection committee will be made up of Provincetown Commons board members and other creative professionals.
Installation Support
Limited installation support is available to artists selected to show work (budget not to exceed $1,000). This stipend is to cover the cost of installation and de-installation. Payment will be made upon the successful installation of the proposed sculpture. Artists are required to submit a basic budget to determine the proposal’s feasibility. If the budget is greater than the $1000 stipend, it is the artist’s responsibility to provide additional funding.
Application Checklist
The following should be in pdf/jpeg formats bundled into a .zip folder.
Cover letter including contact information
Proposal(s) with images and basic budgets
Image slide list
Statement of durability, security, and safety
Artist statement
Artist’s resume
Please direct all questions via email to create@commonsptown.org.
Accepted Artists’ Responsibilities
Provide 150–300-word artist’s statement and digital image for print/online brochure and publicity.
• Return signed loan agreement (contract)
• Deliver and install sculpture
• De-install and remove sculpture
*Non-Discrimination Policy: The Provincetown Commons upholds a commitment to promoting equal opportunities for all, without regard to race, sex, gender, color, age, religion, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other basis proscribed by law.