A ‘Writings-Poetry Dialog’ is planned w/ local resident and award-winning poet and photographer Linda Ohlson Graham and International Award-winning poet Alatishe Kolawole zooming in from Nigeria.
Alatishe contacted Linda in Sept. 2022 and soon-after SAVE OUR EARTH: PROMOTING PEACE AND PLANETARY WELLNESS was available on Amazon. SAVE THE EARTH is also available in Provincetown, MA USA at WomenCrafts, East End Books, PAAM, and Provincetown Bookshop.
Crisis can bring about an evolutionary leap.
There are laws of manifestation ... We, in fact, are co-creators and can more fully actualize our experience.. Linda Ohlson Graham: named Colorado USA Department of Peace Poet Laureate in Oct. 2009, is a fine photographer and ectatic poet who has been actively sharing her 'Vision for Global Peace, calmer weather, the end to terrorist attacks, and potential for insights that could lead to widespread healing' ... beginning the day she composed a 'Formula for Global Peace' @ 4am Sept. 12, 2001 after seeing the attack on the World Trade Center building the day before on TV. Her 'Formula' is visible @ https://www/earthoceanheavens.com/vision ...
Linda has shared her Vision for Peace @ 70 events ... beginning New Year's Day 2003 during the Annual Day of Prayer for WORLD PEACE - Englewood (FL) United Methodist Church - Linda was invited to be a guest poet/speaker for 15 minutes of the service - Note: 1,000 people attended with 5 interfaith speakers ... The head of the Presbyterian Church in America gave the main talk.
Alatishe Kolawole’s newest book HUMAN TOGETHERNESS is a heartfelt vision for Humanity's Interdependence and Global peace. It promotes the Legacy of Unity. International Award winning Author Alatishe Kolawole sings of hope. He advocates for peace equality and progress. He won the Gold medal at the prestigious international prize for Universal Peace 'Frate Ilaro del Corvo' and has been recognized with several international honors for poetry and civil commitment, including a European commission
commendation and Kanoni's important official certificate of recognition in Kampala preparatory school, Uganda. Alatishe and/or Linda would love to dialog w/ ‘you’ re: their Vision for widespread Peace and healing + calmer weather patterns.